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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style:
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

Background of the study

Information management has become a major strategic factor in companies’ development. It is important to get the right information circulated to the right people, as efficiently as possible, yet still keep it secure. Document management provides a way for companies to organize their information, in all its forms, in one place. Streamlining business processes and increasing efficiency are fundamental concerns for any organisation regardless of size or sector. In today’s ever increasingly strict regulating environment, compliantly managing documents and records of all types takes significant time and money that could better be spent on achieving mission critical objectives. By implementing a document management system, organisations can realize many benefits that noticeably improve organisational efficiency.

Digital document management system can help an organisation succeed by; Saving time, Saving money, Increasing efficiency, Increasing productivity, Increasing inter-departmental and inter-organisational communication, and Enabling automation.

A Document Management System (DMS) is a system based on computer programs used to store and access documents.

Electronic document management solutions are designed to organize business files and records digitally, whether they started out in paper form or were generated by software applications.

Paper files are first converted to electronic format by scanning. This provides a more compact means of storage, universal access for retrieval, and higher levels of data security and privacy.

A company-wide document management system also controls digital files that are generated directly through applications -- such as those in the Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel and PowerPoint), accounting software, CAD, email, and so on. Managing (rather than simply storing) documents enables quicker access to, and greater command over, business information.

Statement of the Problem

It has become widely recognized that manual paper-based  processing has inherent problems that disadvantage companies in critical ways, undermining productivity and impeding the flow of information. Ignoring the problem is proving less and less an option in the current economic and competitive climate. Looking at the department of computer science, University of Port Harcourt as a case study, students submit hard copies of document as a means of making requests, Memos are sent to the department in paper form which degenerates to bulk of files in the offices. This system of storing documents is tedious, complicated and time consuming.  

Faced with the need to organize documents, the proposed system for management of documents is unique and totally innovative in its integrated approach. Its functionality of making documents available anytime, anywhere and enabling easy access, retrieval and storage of documents makes it called for.

The system to be developed makes use of rich internet technology to replace desktop application with web application running on a remote server. The system shares the advantage of both web application and desktop application, and removes the most disadvantages of both.

Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the project is to develop a document management system for the department of computer science, University of Port Harcourt that is able to deliver access to anyone authorized anytime, anyplace, and on any device.

The objectives of the study are to develop a system that should be able to;

  1. Store documents properly 
  2. Archive and  retrieve documents properly and efficiently 
  3. Ensure document security and availability. 

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